CELLULISTICS has developed a suite of proprietary technologies that extend the extraordinary strength characteristics that nanocellulose embodies at nano‐scale, to the macro‐scale. This permits uses across a vast spectrum of human activities. CELLULISTICS fabrication technologies include new species of extrusion/pultrusion tools, novel feedstocks for ink‐jet style 3‐D printers and unique 3‐D braiding/weaving machines – again utilizing novel feed stocks – and materials admixtures that provide fireproofing & transparency for ballistic and non‐ballistic structural panels & glazing, among others.

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Taken as a whole, these technologies antiquate steel, aluminum and concrete so broadly as to enable design and building of advanced homes and workplaces, very large sheltered and integrated environments, and many other necessities ranging from agriculture through transport ‐ better, faster, and ridiculously cheaper. CELLULISTICS makes these processes and accompanying designs universally accessible.

Invention, Design, Manufacture, Systems Integration

 Suppliers – producers of raw & refined cellulose materials: wood, microbial and tunicate, aqueous & powder, in paper/film, and other forms. We broker & mediate.  

 Users – architects, contractors, machine manufacturers, engineers, owner/builders, etc. We supply & license.

We license designs and manufacturing processes; we build and broker supply chains; we engage developer communities; we manufacture architectural products on limited bases; we partner to develop outside our architectural core. We keep margins low.

Structural steel dominates the world in which we live. Its use in construction of everything from buildings through aircraft & automotive transport to war machines – with a vast list in between – makes it the single largest market on the planet at roughly $8 trillion1 when taken from extraction through fabrication. Aluminum and concrete play significant roles as well.

Steel comes with enormous downsides: physical weight, multiple mid‐level fabrications, major supply chain and distribution requirements generating gigantic embedded energy weight & cost at each step, destructive mining, & massive carbon footprint, among others. Aluminum and concrete have analogous downsides. These skyrocket costs and diminish productivities.
Ideally we want lightweight materials that equal or surpass structural steel for a majority of applications, cost little to produce, self‐renew, occur ubiquitously, simplify supply chains to local levels, quickly produce net product in few steps, and have little or no carbon footprint.

Beginning in the 1960s, two forms of cellulose emerged: nano‐crystalline cellulose (NCC), and nano‐fibrillated cellulose (NFC). Both of these materials demonstrate various strength characteristics necessary to serve as a foundation for replacement for structural steel and aluminum. Neither lent itself to existing means of fabrication to fulfill that promise. That was then.
Advanced Process Upsides
Nano‐fibrillated cellulose (NFC) manufactured via CELLULISTICS technologies can exchange the downsides of many materials ‐ steel, aluminum, concrete, silica, glass, – for upsides that include lightweight, very low cost, ubiquitous and renewable supply, rapid deployment, and simultaneous multiple functions. For example, the same panel can serve as a structural wall, glazing, HD video display, and bulletproof armor, among other uses. These novel fabrication technologies permit construction of almost anything, including robotics ‐ better, faster, stronger, and incredibly cheaper. With wide distribution they can represent a sea change in global quality of life, and hold potential to influence the course of civilization. Nanocellulose derives from plants and extremely simple animals. Its production requires low embedded energy, has a tiny (and potentially negative) carbon footprint. It enables advanced applications that do not currently exist.  
Habitat – Building Better Worlds, Quickly
Among the most obvious applications having major impact on the lives of literally billions of people, advanced and cheap homes and habitat, ranging in cost from a few hundreds of dollars to a few thousands of dollars, stand high in the list of objectives. In fairly short order one could build a self‐sufficient village – either as disaster relief, or as relief from low life quality – in a matter of hours or a few days. In better‐off situations at larger scale one could enclose the entire city of say, Galveston, Texas in storm proof and even tsunami proof controlled environments.  


Shigeru Ban – a cellulose house

Advanced econometrics analyzing the last 200 years of development in leading industrial nations (US,UK, Germany) demonstrate that new technologies such as Bessemer steel and transistors drive roughly order‐of‐magnitude higher weight in productivity over the technologies they replace. For example, a 50 hp. internal combustion engine driving a harvest mill delivers greater than 1 order of magnitude productivity output ‐ measured as value per human work‐minute and as GNP ‐ than the 50 horse team it replaced. Energy costs also reflect substantial benefits (e.g. measuring fuel oil as against feed). Close technological access to the hands of numerous entrepreneurs further increases impact.

Replacing structural steel supply chains with systems having low barriers to entry concentrates exergy – the amount of energy actually available to do work – locally, in distributed manufacturing. Widely employed utilizing CELLULISTICS technologies, these systems can empower billions of people to build whole habitats – as well as new types of tools never before seen. Cheap, rapid, & including: self‐sufficient living environments, & regions; advanced transport; natural and restored ecosystems; H2O and energy harvesting; defense from natural disasters; robotic tools to cheaply build major public works –dams, waterways, tunnels, etc.

Economic impact: potential order‐of‐magnitude global productivity increase in an $11 trillion market. Locally distributing these means of production, while simultaneously removing barriers‐to‐entry on free enterprise, empowers enormous human resources & tools for advanced applications & lifestyles.

1 2014 New J. Phys. 16 125008 http://iopscience.iop.org/1367-2630/16/12/125008;2011 Springer The Second Law of
Economics: Energy, Entropy, and the Origins of Wealth R. Kümmel

At close of 2014 CELLULISTICS has:

  •  Initial scientific testing, cooperation with European and American researchers,
  •  Means for prototype fabrication with the most experienced developers on Earth (ongoing),
  •  Recruited a management team (ongoing),
  •  Secured inter‐continental materials sources,
  •  Filed 18 claims for Intellectual Property protection, (with ongoing filings)
  •  Developed strategic market entry plans, budget, timelines, critical path,
  •  Established strategic allies in advanced additive manufacturing (ongoing),  
  •  Established strategic allies in advanced design, (ongoing)
  •  Developed specific designs & proposals (ongoing).

Team Unique Qualifications
Daniel Sweeney provides technology analysis & market analysis to clients such as Forbes and Toshiba.
Dr. Sweeney identifies efficacious means and invents. Principal Investigator. Interim Chief Scientist.
John Read’s accomplishments range from education & publishing through nanotechnology invention.
His alliances have included Microsoft and St. John’s College. John provides daily direction, & policy instruments. Anthropologist. Principal Planner. Interim CEO.
Sim Van der Ryn, Professor Emeritus of Architecture UC Berkeley , author of numerous highly influential books, and the first energy‐conscious Chief Architect of the State of California, integrates ecological principles into built environments. Chief Architect.
Further Information
CELLULISTICS has documentation of all stages of development, exhaustive market analysis, additional technical reports on specifically targeted markets, and initial designs.

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